Ears are a PITA!

Today I decided to work on trimming out the ears. I once again traced out a line on the ear where I wanted to make the cut. I then followed that line with an x-acto knife and snapped and scored what I could off of it. I then took a dremel -w- grinding stone bit and trimmed it up with that. This is where things got fun. I drilled out the top hole of the ear and mounted it where I wanted it on the helmet. I then pressed the ear against the helmet and marked the spots that were touching with a pencil. I then unscrewed the ear and dremeled off the spots marked to help level everything. I did this for a good hour on one ear before I was somewhat satisfied with the fit. I also trimmed out a little more of the eyes and frown. After looking at the pictures of the frown, I still need to take a bit off of it. 
Update - I got the other ear fit this morning. This one took no time to get it fit as I learned from my mistakes on the first one. I also filed down the frown some. 

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